Significant postoperative changes in pulmonary function in many
surgical patients include phenomena such as reduced lung volumes, rapid and shallow
breathing, and impaired gas exchange. These alterations in pulmonary function may
occur as a result of the anesthetic, the surgical procedure, the associated body
position, or the medications administered immediately after surgery. These changes,
which occur in normal patients, may be more severe in patients undergoing surgery
who have compromised pulmonary function and therefore may produce significant postoperative
pulmonary complications. Such complications usually include bronchospasm, bronchitis
with purulent sputum, disabling cough pneumonia, and respiratory failure, as indicated
by altered blood gas values. Preexisting lung dysfunction is the major factor associated
with postoperative pulmonary problems. Also important are incisional site and size,
as well as possible surgical trauma to lung tissue. Both considerations render the
patient who is to undergo thoracic surgery a prime candidate for evaluation.
Prevailing opinion suggests that preoperative pulmonary function
testing provides the clinician with important information regarding the potential
for postoperative respiratory morbidity. If pulmonary function data are of value,
which patients are candidates for such testing? Although no general agreement exists
about which patients should be tested, the prime candidates are those in whom there
is a reasonable expectation of abnormal pulmonary function. This broad list was
outlined by Tisi[21]
( Table
Conflicting data abound regarding these rather broad criteria.
The American College of Chest Physicians has proposed a more stringent set of guidelines
( Table 26-6
). Adherence
to these stricter guidelines has been recommended as a means of decreasing unnecessary
and costly spirometric testing.[22]
Initial identification of most of these patients is accomplished
by history, physical examination, and chest radiographic studies. The chest x-ray
film is a particularly valuable clinical marker for clinically severe disease, especially
if it identifies lung hyperinflation, which has been associated with a 33% rate of
significant postoperative pulmonary complications.[23]
Which pulmonary function studies are appropriate for preoperative
evaluation? The objective of testing in the preoperative setting is not to detect
mild, early lung disease but to predict the likelihood of pulmonary complications.
The physician must ask whether the test results alter perioperative management or
sufficiently affect risk estimates such that planned surgery is altered or even postponed.
Other factors, such as the cost of testing and even the risk of testing, must also
be considered. No single test appears to be the best predictor of risk, probably
because none assesses all of the factors that are important regardless of whether
complications may occur. The optimal scheme for evaluating patients preoperatively
is by means of arterial blood gas analysis and the FEV1
peak flow, and FEF25%–75%
, which can be obtained from a single spirometric
study. Abnormalities on such spirometric tests seem to correlate with the incidence
of postoperative pulmonary complications.
Although the evaluation of preoperative pulmonary function is
largely aimed at predicting the risk of postoperative complications, the identification
of abnormal lung function, particularly obstructive airway disease, is also important
to reduce intraoperative morbidity. A reduced FEV1
/FVC, for example,
documents the existence of airway obstruction and suggests the likelihood of increased
airway reactivity. The site and the nature of many surgical procedures often provide
very little latitude for choosing between regional and general anesthesia. In patients
with airway obstruction and heightened airway reactivity, airway instrumentation
(e.g., laryngoscopy, tracheal intubation) is fraught with the hazard of provoking
reflex bronchoconstriction, particularly under light planes of anesthesia. In many
patients with
obstructive airway disease, the deeper levels of inhaled anesthesia required to blunt
such airway reflexes are difficult to achieve because of poor V̇/
and, if achieved, the levels are poorly tolerated by the cardiovascular system.
To minimize airway responses, it is important to other prophylactic measures, which
may include anticholinergics and β-agonists inhaled as aerosols before surgery
and intravenous opioids and lidocaine administered before airway instrumentation.
Patients with abnormally low FEV1
values before surgery
are likely to experience severe hypercapnia if they are allowed to breathe spontaneously
under general anesthesia.[24]
The magnitude of
the carbon dioxide increase is directly related to the degree of reduction in FEV1
and develops largely because the rapid, shallow breathing pattern characteristic
of anesthetized patients worsens V̇/
matching. It is essential to control
ventilation in these patients. With controlled ventilation, low respiratory rates
(<10 breaths/min) are desirable to minimize V̇/
mismatch, which arises
largely because of the prolonged time required to move air in and out of the obstructed
airways. Because of this obstruction, low inspiratory flow rates have long been
advocated to lessen peak airway pressure and to presumably minimize barotrauma and
circulatory disturbances. However, evidence suggests the opposite. In patients
with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease who were ventilated with customary tidal
volumes (10 mL/kg), respiratory system resistance decreased as inspiratory flow rates
were increased from 0.25 to 1.5 L/s.[25]
The investigators
postulated that this effect was caused by decreases in thoracic tissue resistance
or was a reflection of improvement in time-constant inequalities or in the viscoelastic
behavior of the respiratory system, or both. Other studies have shown that a high
inspiratory flow rate in such patients produced improved gas exchange and was not
complicated by barotrauma or circulatory depression.[26]
An important consequence of the increased
flow rate was a reduced inspiratory time, which allowed increased time for exhalation.
Increased expiratory time provides more complete emptying of alveoli, which must
occur through high-resistance airways. With a shorter expiratory time, which inevitably
occurs with the increased inspiratory time needed with a lower inspiratory flow,
alveoli are not allowed to empty completely, and they receive less gas volume at
the same distending pressures during inspiration.