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The first report of the delivery of anesthesia (ether) for an operative procedure was in 1846. Only 2 years later, there was a report of a death attributable to anesthesia.[41] In that report, Hannah Greener died on induction with chloroform. Since that time, there have been numerous investigations into the cause of anesthesia-related death. The first formal investigation of anesthesia-related deaths was published by John Snow in 1858.[42] Snow analyzed 50 cases of death during chloroform anesthesia. At that time, mortality occurred principally in healthy patients undergoing minor procedures, suggesting that anesthesia was the principal cause of mortality. Subsequent studies reported deaths of patients with significant comorbidities undergoing major surgical procedures; in these cases, the cause of mortality was frequently multifactorial.

Surgery without Anesthesia

Surgical procedures were carried out before the introduction of anesthetics. The key to success was the speed of the procedure, with successful amputations lasting only 30 seconds. Strong assistants and restraints were frequently required. Alternatively, decreased cerebral perfusion by means of bilateral carotid compression was used to decrease sensation during the procedure. Surgical procedures were associated with significant risk of death and, at a minimum, were associated with severe pain. The development of anesthesia has been heralded as one of the great advances of modern medicine because it allowed surgery to advance.

TABLE 24-3 -- Estimates of the incidence of mortality related to anesthesia before 1980
Study Year Number of Anesthetics Primary Cause Primary and Associated Cause
Beecher and Todd[21] 1954 599,548 1:2680 1:1560
Dornette and Orth[43] 1956 63,105 1:2427 1:1343
Schapira et al.[44] 1960 22,177 1:1232 1:821
Phillips et al.[45] 1960 1:7692 1:2500
Dripps et al.[46] 1961 33,224 1:852 1:415
Clifton and Hotton[47] 1963 205,640 1:6048 1:3955
Memery[48] 1965 114,866 1:3145 1:1082
Gebbie[49] 1966 129,336 1:6158
Minuck[50] 1967 121,786 1:6766 1:3291
Marx et al.[35] 1973 34,145 1:1265
Bodlander[52] 1975 211,130 1:14,075 1:1703
Harrison[51] 1978 240,483 1:4537
Hovi-Viander[53] 1980 338,934 1:5059 1:1412
From Ross AF, Tinker JH: Anesthesia risk. In Miller RD (ed): Anesthesia, 3rd ed. New York, Churchill Livingstone, 1990.

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