Oxidative Stress and the Glutathione System
Mitochondrial respiration and microsomal redox reactions continuously
produce reactive oxygen species within hepatocytes. Molecular oxygen02
usually undergoes tetravalent reduction to water (during aerobic metabolism). Small
quantities of oxygen, however, undergo univalent and divalent reactions, to yield
superoxide and hydrogen peroxide.[238]
hepatic parenchyma, other types of cells within the liver produce reactive radicals.
For example, Kupffer cells, endothelial cells, polymorphonuclear leukocytes, and
macrophages, when activated, produce significant quantities of reduced oxygen species
and nitro-radicals.[144]
The liver has various defense mechanisms for preserving intracellular
oxidants within a safe range, below the micromolar level.[147]
These defenses involve (1) thiol-rich peptides,
such as glutathione (γ-glutamyl-cysteine-glycine); (2) micronutrients, such
as vitamin E and vitamin C; (3) metal-sequestering proteins, such as ferritin; (4)
enzymes for detoxifying reactive oxygen species, such as catalase and superoxide
dismutase; and (5) enzymes that detoxify lipid peroxides, such as glutathione peroxidase.
Of the antioxidant defenses, the single most important one is glutathione.[233]
Glutathione is an essential cofactor for many antioxidant pathways,
including glutathione peroxidase and thiol/disulfide exchange reactions. Glutathione
peroxidase detoxifies organic peroxides and free radicals and has a higher affinity
for hydrogen peroxide than does catalase. Glutathione S-transferase
forms conjugates between electrophilic substances and the free thiol of reduced glutathione
(GSH). GSH also takes part in nonenzymatic reactions, yielding products such as
oxidized glutathione (GSSG) and mixed disulfides of glutathione and protein. Hepatocytes,
which are the main site of glutathione synthesis, contain high cytoplasmic concentrations
of glutathione, ranging from 5 to 10 mmol/L.[147]
Mitochondria actively take up glutathione; disruption of this transport (e.g., secondary
to chronic ethanol exposure) leads to mitochondrial damage.[233]
Under normal conditions, most glutathione exists as GSH. GSH
plays a critical role in preserving the redox capacity of the cell. Oxidative stresses
deplete GSH, converting it to GSSG. Glutathione reductase reverses this reaction,
regenerating GSH and restoring the redox state. Synthesis of NADPH, the cofactor
for glutathione reductase, requires ATP. Therefore, the capacity of hepatocytes
to withstand oxidative stress is dependent on hepatocellular energy production.[243]
Adverse conditions (malnutrition, ischemia and reperfusion, toxic
radical production) can rapidly exhaust glutathione substrate, making hepatocytes
highly susceptible to oxidative injury. In this setting, it may be important to
treat patients with thiol-rich agents, such as
cysteamine (mercaptoethylamine) or N-acetylcysteine
(glutathione precursor), to increase glutathione synthesis and refill the pool of
reduced glutathione. This therapy restores the capacity of hepatocytes to detoxify
intracellular electrophiles.[243]