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Organization and Integration

The sympathetic system, in response to internal or external challenges, acts to increase heart rate, blood pressure, and cardiac output; to dilate the bronchial tree; and to shunt blood away from the intestines and other viscera to voluntary muscles. Teleologically, the body is then better prepared to deal with the challenge. Parasympathetic nervous input acts primarily to conserve energy and
TABLE 16-1 -- Responses elicited in effector organs by stimulation of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves
Effector Organ Adrenergic Response Receptor Involved Cholinergic Response Dominant Response (A or C)

  Rate of contraction Increase β1 Decrease C
  Force of contraction Increase β1 Decrease C
Blood vessels

  Arteries (most) Vasoconstriction α1
  Skeletal muscle Vasodilation β2
  Veins Vasoconstriction α2
Bronchial tree Bronchodilation β2 Bronchoconstriction C
Splenic capsule Contraction α1
Uterus Contraction α1 Variable A
Vas deferens Contraction α1
Prostatic capsule Contraction α1
Gastrointestinal tract Relaxation α2 Contraction C

  Radial muscle, iris Contraction (mydriasis) α1
  Circular muscle, iris

Contraction (miosis) C
  Ciliary muscle Relaxation β Contraction (accommodation) C
Kidney Renin secretion β1
Urinary bladder

  Detrusor Relaxation β Contraction C
  Trigone and sphincter Contraction α1 Relaxation A, C
Ureter Contraction α1 Relaxation A
Insulin release from pancreas Decrease α2
Fat cells Lipolysis β1
Liver glycogenolysis Increase α1
Hair follicles, smooth muscle Contraction (piloerection) α1
Nasal secretion

Increase C
Salivary glands Increase secretion α1 Increase secretion C
Sweat glands Increase secretion α1 Increase secretion C
A, adrenergic; C, cholinergic.
From Ruffolo R: Physiology and biochemistry of the peripheral autonomic nervous system. In Wingard L, Brody T, Larner J, et al (eds): Human Pharmacology: Molecular to Clinical. St. Louis, Mosby-Year Book, 1991, p. 77.

maintain organ function and to support the vegetative processes.

Most organs of the body exhibit dual innervation, with input from the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems frequently mediating opposing effects [22] ( Table 16-1 ). Stimulation of one system may have an excitatory effect on the end organ, whereas stimulation of the other system may have an inhibitory effect. The eye, heart, bronchial tree, and gastrointestinal and genitourinary systems are innervated. For example, sympathetic stimulation acts on the heart to increase rate and vigor of contraction and to enhance conduction through the atrioventricular node, whereas parasympathetic stimulation acts to decrease rate and contractility and to slow conduction through the atrioventricular node. One of the two systems normally dominates the organ's function, providing its "resting tone" ( Table 16-2 ). In a few organs, the sympathetic system alone provides innervation; certain blood vessels, the spleen, and piloerector muscles are examples.


TABLE 16-2 -- Usual sympathetic or parasympathetic dominance at specific effector sites
Site Predominant Tone
Ciliary muscle Parasympathetic
Iris Parasympathetic
Sinoatrial node Parasympathetic
Arterioles Sympathetic
Veins Sympathetic
Gastrointestinal tract Parasympathetic
Uterus Parasympathetic
Urinary bladder Parasympathetic
Salivary glands Parasympathetic
Sweat glands Sympathetic (cholinergic)

To predict the effects of drugs, the interaction of the sympathetic and parasympathetic system in different organs must be understood. Blockade of sympathetic function unmasks preexisting parasympathetic activity, and the converse relation also is true. For example, administration of atropine blocks the resting muscarinic tone of the parasympathetically dominated heart, and unopposed sympathetic tone then causes tachycardia. Autonomic denervation, which may occur with neuraxial anesthesia, diabetes, and myocardial infarction (MI), can be assessed by traditional methods, such as orthostatic hypotension, or by changes in the time interval between successive heart beats (i.e., beat-to-beat or heart rate variability) as a measure of sympathovagal balance.[23]

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