Inhaled Anesthetics
Cardiovascular function is frequently preserved during N2
administration. Some reports showed deterioration of cardiac function with N2
Segmental wall motion abnormalities
in areas of marginal myocardial perfusion was demonstrated in dogs when N2
and opioids are combined.[538]
However, in clinical
studies of patients with ischemic cardiac disease, the addition of N2
to fentanyl or sufentanil was not to associated with any new ST-segment changes or
segmental wall motion abnormalities.[539]
It was
reported that N2
O produced analgesia that was partially mediated by the
release of a proenkephalin-derived family of endogenous opioid peptides.[540]
This suggests that interaction between opioids and N2
O is neither synergistic
nor additive. Combining N2
O with an opioid in a balanced technique may
not best employ drug interaction synergism. Although amnesia and intraoperative
conditions may be somewhat improved, N2
O does not produce any effects
that are not already produced by either an opioid or a sedative-hypnotic.
Volatile anesthetics are frequently combined in low doses (one
third to one half the MAC) with opioids in order to ensure amnesia and to promote
immobility and hemodynamic stability.[541]
concentrations of volatile anesthetics in combination with opioids are usually well
tolerated in patients with normal, as well as compromised, ventricular function.
Low concentrations of isoflurane have been
effectively and safely used to treat intraoperative hypertension during high-dose
sufentanil anesthesia for coronary artery surgery.[542]
Clinical trials of opioids supplemented with newer volatile anesthetics
for cardiac surgery demonstrate well-preserved cardiac output and minimal decreases
in mean arterial blood pressure.[544]
Myocardial ischemia may not, however, always be ameliorated by approaches that combine
opioids with potent inhaled agents in spite of apparent "good" hemodynamic control.
Some of the potent inhaled anesthetics can increase sympathetic
nervous system activity and may increase the risk of myocardial ischemia in the cardiac
Prior administration of fentanyl, in doses as low as 1.5 µg/kg, can markedly
attenuate such responses.[546]
Alfentanil (10 µg/kg)
is also effective in attenuating these effects.