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The mechanisms of dependence and tolerance involve genetic, molecular, cellular, physiologic, and functional factors. In the locus caeruleus, the major noradrenergic nucleus in the brain, long-term opioid exposure results in inhibition of adenyl cyclase, reduced activity of protein kinase A, and upregulation of the cAMP pathway.[229] Changes in μ-receptor density that occur prior to or during the development of tolerance do not appear to be essential for development of opioid tolerance.[230] Possible mechanisms involve protein kinase signal transduction cascades that link extracellular signals to cellular changes by regulating target gene expression. Much work remains to be done in order to fully elucidate the complex mechanisms of tolerance.[231] [232]

Acute administration of opioids results in analgesia and side effects, whereas tolerance and dependence were thought to occur only after chronic administration. However, it has become more recently recognized that tolerance can also develop rapidly after an acute opioid exposure in animals and humans.[233] [234] [235] Intraoperative remifentanil infusion (0.3 µg/kg/minute) in patients undergoing major abdominal surgery under desflurane anesthesia increased postoperative pain and morphine requirement compared with low-dose remifentanil (0.1 µg/kg/minute), suggesting the development of acute remifentanil tolerance.[236] In contrast, there is a report that target-controlled infusion of alfentanil and remifentanil for postoperative analgesia does not lead to opioid tolerance.[237] In human volunteers, continuous infusion of remifentanil (0.08 µg/kg/minute) for 3 hours did not decrease the pain threshold.[238] Thus, the development of acute opioid tolerance in humans remains controversial. Opioids can elicit hyperalgesia in experimental models after repeated opioid administration or continuous delivery.[239] This phenomenon seems to be related to opioid tolerance.[240] In rats, thermal hyperalgesia and mechanical allodynia were observed for several days after cessation of morphine administration (40 mg/kg/day for 6 days).[241] The opioid-induced hyperalgesia was shown to be due to spinal sensitization to glutamate and substance P.[242] Furthermore, cholecystokinin and the NMDA-nitric oxide (NO) system are responsible for the development of acute tolerance to opioids,[243] which is also affected by spinal serotonin activity.[244] There have been reports that opioid-induced hyperalgesia and subsequent acute opioid tolerance can be prevented by ketamine, suggesting the involvement of the NMDA receptor.[245] [246]

Peripheral morphine effects have been suggested to be less prone to tolerance.[247] Thus, the method and schedule of drug administration may also affect the development of tolerance.[248] However, modifying an opioid administration schedule to modulate the development of tolerance may not always be useful or effective.[249] Certain patients may appear to be tolerant to opioids, but instead they may suffer from pathophysiologic conditions, such as neuropathies, that are poorly responsive to opioids.[250]

Management of the Opioid-Dependent Patient

Problems in the opioid-addicted patients include cardiopulmonary problems, restrictive lung disease, increased alveolar-arterial O2 gradients, renal disease and anemia. Long-term morphine administration causes adrenal hypertrophy and impairs corticosteroid secretion. Viral and nonviral hepatitis, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, osteomyelitis, muscle weakness, and neurologic complications may be found in addicted patients.

Anesthetic management for the opiate-dependent or addicted patient should include adequate premedication with opioids. There is no ideal anesthetic agent or technique to employ in the chronic addict or in the patient with an acute opiate overdose. Cardiovascular and respiratory changes in the patient with acute opioid overdose can be reversed with increments of naloxone (40–80 µg every 1 to 2 minutes IV) until vital signs are adequate. Support of the circulatory system with fluids and monitoring of arterial blood gases and pulmonary function are also important.

Recently, as treatment for opioid addiction, rapid detoxification with high doses of naloxone or naltrexone has been reported. For this treatment, general anesthesia is induced before the start of opioid antagonism and maintained for several hours to prevent the perception of withdrawal symptoms by the patient. [251] [252] Blockade of μ-opioid receptors by naloxone (total dose of 12.4 mg) in opioid-addicted patients induces sympathetic neural activation, including increase in plasma catecholamine concentration and cardiovascular stimulation, which is abolished by α2 -agonists. [253]

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