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Effects on the Central Nervous System

α2 -Agonists produce their sedative-hypnotic effect by an action on α2 -receptors in the locus ceruleus and produce their analgesic effect by an action on α2 -receptors within the locus ceruleus and the spinal cord.[664] An interesting observation is that the quality of sedation produced by dexmedetomidine appears to be different from that produced by other sedatives acting through the GABA systems. α2 -Agonists act through the endogenous sleep-promoting pathways to exert their sedative effect. They produce a decrease in activity of the projections of the locus ceruleus to the ventrolateral preoptic nucleus. This action increases GABAergic and galanin release in the tuberomammillary nucleus and as a result leads to a decrease in histamine release in the cortical and subcortical projections.[665] α2 -Agonists appear to inhibit ion conductance through L- or P-type calcium channels and to facilitate conductance through voltage-gated calcium-activated potassium channels.[666] α2 -Agonists have the advantage that their effects are readily reversible by α2 -adrenergic antagonists (e.g., atipamezole).[667] Like other adrenergic receptors, α2 -agonists also produce tolerance after prolonged administration.[668] However, because dexmedetomidine is approved for only short-term sedation, tolerance, dependence, or addiction does not appear to be a problem. In contrast, dexmedetomidine has been used for rapid opioid detoxification, cocaine withdrawal, and iatrogenic-induced benzodiazepine and opioid tolerance after prolonged sedation.[669] In animals, dexmedetomidine, unlike opioids, does not result in hyperalgesia or allodynia after its withdrawal.[670] Rats rendered tolerant to morphine also show a decrease in efficacy of both the hypnotic and analgesic effects of dexmedetomidine. As tolerance to opioids improves, recovery of the hypnotic effect of dexmedetomidine is more rapid than recovery of its analgesic efficacy. [671] These data would tend to indicate a possible cross-tolerance across receptors.

In animal models of incomplete cerebral ischemia and reperfusion, dexmedetomidine reduces cerebral necrosis and improves neurologic outcome. In a model of focal ischemia in rabbits, dexmedetomidine, administered at doses that reduced the MAC of halothane by 50%, resulted in less cortical neuronal damage than when halothane was administered alone at equi-effective MAC concentrations.[672] Little is known of the effects of dexmedetomidine alone on ICP and CBF. In patients after pituitary surgery, a target concentration of 600 ng/mL dexmedetomidine resulted in no increase in lumbar CSF pressure.[673] In dogs in the presence of volatile anesthetics and dexmedetomidine, CBF was decreased and oxygen consumption was maintained.[674] [675] CBF velocity, as measured by transcranial Doppler, decreased with increasing concentrations of dexmedetomidine in parallel with decreasing mean arterial pressure and increasing arterial carbon dioxide.[676] In volunteers, both low (402 to 530 pg/mL) and high concentrations (524 to 732 pg/mL) of dexmedetomidine decreased global CBF by 30%. This decrease persisted for at least 30 minutes after termination of the infusion.[677] In a rat seizure model, dexmedetomidine demonstrated significant proconvulsant action, which is consistent with previous findings that inhibition of central noradrenergic transmission facilitates seizure expression.[678] This finding, however, is in contrast to an anticonvulsant effect shown in rats after kainic acid-induced seizures.[679] As yet, there have been no reports of seizures in humans. Dexmedetomidine is also able to reduce muscle rigidity after high-dose opioid administration.[680] In resting volunteers, dexmedetomidine increased growth hormone secretion in a dose-dependent manner, but it had no effect on other pituitary hormones.[681] [682] Dexmedetomidine ablates memory in a dose-dependent manner. In concentrations used for clinical sedation (i.e., 0.7 ng/mL), recall of picture cards is preserved. An increase to concentrations of 2 ng/mL dexmedetomidine largely ablates both recall and recognition of a picture card.[683]

Effects on the Respiratory System

In volunteers, dexmedetomidine at concentrations producing significant sedation reduces minute ventilation but retains the slope of the ventilatory response to increasing CO2 .[684] The changes in ventilation appeared to be very similar to those observed during natural sleep. Ebert and coworkers infused dexmedetomidine up to concentrations of 15 ng/mL in spontaneously breathing volunteers and showed no change in arterial oxygenation or pH. At the very highest concentrations, PaCO2 increased by 20%. The respiratory rate increased with increasing concentration from 14 to 25 breaths/min.[683] When dexmedetomidine and propofol were titrated to equal sedative end points (BIS index of 85), both resulted in no change in the respiratory rate.[685] Doses of 1 to 2 µg/kg of dexmedetomidine induce a mild increase in PaCO2 (45 mm Hg) and a rightward shift and depression of the carbon dioxide response curves. The changes in respiration are mainly a decrease in tidal volume with little change in respiratory frequency. When combined with alfentanil, dexmedetomidine enhances analgesia without causing further respiratory depression.

Effects on the Cardiovascular System

The basic effects of α2 -agonists on the cardiovascular system are a decreased heart rate, decreased systemic vascular resistance, and indirectly decreased myocardial contractility, cardiac output, and systemic blood pressure. By

Figure 10-26 Effects of increasing plasma concentrations of dexmedetomidine.

developing highly selective α-agonists, it had been hoped that some of these adverse cardiovascular effects would be decreased and the desirable hypnotic-analgesic properties maximized. The hemodynamic effects of a bolus of dexmedetomidine in humans have shown a biphasic response. An acute intravenous injection of 2 µg/kg resulted in an initial increase in blood pressure (22%) and decrease in heart rate (27%) from baseline that occurred 5 minutes after injection. This initial increase in blood pressure is probably due to the effect of dexmedetomidine on peripheral α2 -receptors. The heart rate returned to baseline by 15 minutes, and blood pressure gradually drifted down to approximately 15% below baseline by 1 hour. After an intramuscular injection of the same dose, the initial increase in blood pressure was not seen, and both the heart rate and blood pressure remained within 10% of baseline values.[686] Ebert and colleagues performed a very elegant study in volunteers in which a target-controlled infusion system was used to provide increasing concentrations (0.7 to 15 ng/mL) of dexmedetomidine ( Fig. 10-26 ).[683] The lowest two concentrations produced a decrease in mean arterial pressure (13%) followed by a progressive increase (12%). Increasing concentrations of dexmedetomidine also produce progressive decreases in heart rate (maximum of 29%) and cardiac output (35%).[683] Infusion of dexmedetomidine in volunteers has also been shown to result in a compensated reduction in systemic sympathetic tone without changes in baroreflex sensitivity.
It also blunts the heart rate and the systemic sympathetic response to sweating but is less effective in blunting the cardiac sympathetic response to shivering.[687] In several studies involving both intramuscular and intravenous administration, dexmedetomidine caused profound brady-cardia (<40 beats/min) and occasionally sinus arrest/pause in a small percentage of patients. These episodes generally resolved spontaneously or were readily treated by anticholinergics without adverse outcome. It would be expected from its profile that dexmedetomidine would be beneficial to ischemic myocardium. In animal models, dexmedetomidine demonstrated some beneficial effects on the ischemic heart through decreased oxygen consumption and redistribution of coronary flow from nonischemic zones to ischemic zones after acute brief occlusion. [688] Dexmedetomidine also decreased serum lactate levels in a dog model of coronary ischemia with an associated decrease in heart rate and measured catecholamines. In addition, it produced a 35% increase in the endocardial-epicardial blood flow ratio.[689]

Other Effects

A frequently reported side effect of dexmedetomidine has been dry mouth, which is due to a decrease in saliva production.[690]

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