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Adrenergic receptors were first differentiated into α and β by Ahlquist based on their responses to various amines.[659] α2 -Adrenergic agonists provide sedation, anxiolysis, and hypnosis, as well as analgesia and sympatholysis. The initial impetus for the use of α2 -agonists in anesthesia resulted from observations made in patients during anesthesia who were receiving clonidine therapy.[659] [660] [661] This was soon followed by a description of the MAC reduction of halothane by clonidine.[662] Dexmedetomidine is a far more selective α2 -agonist, with 1600-fold greater selectivity


Figure 10-25 Chemical structure of dexmedetomidine.

for the α2 - than the α1 -receptor. It has recently been approved for brief sedation (<24 hours).

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