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APPENDIX 2: Selected Items from the Procedural Times Glossary of the American Association of Clinical Directors
Room ready Time when the room is cleaned and supplies and equipment necessary for beginning of next case are present
Start time Patient in room time
Preparation completed Time at which prepping and draping have been completed and patient is ready for the procedure or surgery to start
Case time Time from room setup start to room cleanup finished. This definition includes all the time which a given procedure requires an OR. It allows for the different duration of room setup and room cleanup times that occur because of the varying supply and equipment needs for a particular procedure
Turnover time Time from prior patient out of room to succeeding patient in room for sequentially scheduled cases
Resource hours Total number of hours scheduled to be available for performance of procedures (i.e., the sum of all available block time and open time)
Block time Hours of OR time reserved for a given service or surgeon. Within a defined cutoff period (e.g., 72 hours prior to day of surgery); this is time into which only the given service may schedule
Open time Hours of OR time not reserved for any particular service, into which any service or surgeon may schedule according to the rules established by the given institution
Raw utilization For the system as a whole, this is the percent of time that patients are in the room during Resource Hours. For an individual service, this is the percent of its block time during which it has a patient in the OR
Adjusted percentage (in-own block hours plus outside-own block hours × 100/block time)
Service utilization This measures the percentage of time a service utilizes its block time during Resource Hours. It is adjusted compared to Raw Utilization, in that it gives a service "credit" for the time necessary to set up and clean up a room, during which time a patient cannot be in the room. It may exceed 100% because of the inclusion of cases performed during Resource Hours that are outside-own block hours

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