Hypoglycemia is routinely anticipated as a potential problem in
ICU patients. In children, hypoglycemia has been defined by a number of investigators.
The definition suggested by Cornblath and Schwartz[258]
is generally accepted: for premature infants, blood sugar less than 20 mg/dL; for
term infants up to 3 days, blood sugar less than 30 mg/dL; and for children older
than 3 days, blood sugar less than 40 mg/dL.
The usual symptoms of hypoglycemia include the early changes of
tachycardia, diaphoresis, and weakness, followed by mental clouding, seizures, and
coma. In children, hypoglycemia can be precipitated by a number of specific diseases
not commonly encountered in adults. Causes can be subdivided into disorders of increased
utilization and disorders of decreased production. Transient hypoglycemia of the
newborn from decreased or immature hepatic gluconeogenesis is a condition that self-corrects
within hours to days. If the hypoglycemia persists, hepatic enzyme deficiencies,
endocrine problems, or hyperinsulinism (i.e., pancreatic cell abnormalities, infants
of diabetic mothers) must be considered. Other causes of hypoglycemia in the neonatal
period include sepsis, hypothermia, hypoxia, and transplacental exposure to maternal
hypoglycemic drugs.
In older children, hypoglycemia is associated with ketotic hypoglycemia,
hepatic enzyme abnormalities, hyperinsulinism,
hepatic failure, and Reye's syndrome, and it is a side effect of certain drugs.[260]
Regardless of cause, the initial treatment of hypoglycemia is the administration
of adequate glucose. The initial emergency dose is 0.5 g/kg given as 50% or 25%
dextrose in water. This dose should be followed by a dextrose infusion that meets
the metabolic requirements of the child (see the later section on the gastrointestinal
Diabetic Ketoacidosis
The most serious acute complication of diabetes mellitus is DKA,
a syndrome of glucose and ketone overproduction and underutilization that results
in hyperglycemic ketoacidosis. The clinical syndrome includes dehydration and hypovolemic
shock resulting from the forced hyperglycemic osmotic diuresis, compensatory hyperventilation
(Kussmaul pattern), life-threatening electrolyte depletion, and in cases of severe
metabolic imbalance, neurologic obtundation and coma.[261]
Laboratory evaluation demonstrates elevated blood glucose concentrations, severe
metabolic acidosis despite a compensatory hypocapnia, increased osmolality, hyperlipidemia,
and a normal or low sodium level (usually fictitiously low because of the hyperlipidemia).
Total-body depletion of potassium and possibly phosphate occurs, but levels may
be falsely normal because of the metabolic acidosis.
Treatment of DKA requires careful correction of the metabolic
derangements with meticulous monitoring of the multisystem complications of DKA,
as well as the complications of therapy. Adequate intravascular volume is restored
with the administration of an isotonic glucose-free solution. Regular insulin is
given as an intravenous infusion of 0.1 U/kg/hr. The goal is to decrease blood glucose
at a rate of 75 to 100 mg/dL/hr. This infusion is continued until blood glucose
reaches 250 to 300 mg/dL, at which time 5% dextrose in normal saline (D5
is added to the infusate. This regimen of simultaneous glucose and insulin infusion
can be continued until the patient is able to tolerate oral nutrient intake and routine
subcutaneous insulin administration. Most clinicians continue the insulin infusion
until the acidosis is nearly corrected. During any fluid administration, potassium
should be closely monitored. These children have total-body potassium depletion,
and potassium should be added to any infusion as soon as urine output is demonstrated.
The need for phosphate may be more theoretical than real, but in most situations,
half the potassium is given as a phosphate salt. The severe metabolic acidosis is
usually corrected with volume and insulin administration.
The use of bicarbonate is generally avoided because of concern
of precipitating or worsening the patient's neurologic status. In severe DKA, brain
cells have a tendency to reduce their intracellular volume as the patient becomes
dehydrated and hyperosmolar. In an attempt to maintain their normal size, brain
cells generate osmotically active idiogenic osmoles (e.g., inositol). These particles
attract more water into the intracellular compartment to help the cells retain their
size. As systemic rehydration and correction of the hyperosmolar state begin, the
brain cells tend to swell until the added idiogenic osmoles are metabolized or cleared.
Consequently, rapid osmolar correction can lead to significant brain edema.[262]
In addition, rapid correction of the metabolic acidosis may produce worsening neurologic
dysfunction. The pH of the brain is determined by the CSF bicarbonate level as well
as by the CO2
content; the CSF CO2
content equilibrates much
more rapidly with the vascular space than the bicarbonate level does. Therefore,
with systemic correction of the acidosis, respiratory hyperventilation decreases
and causes a rise in PaCO2
; if this rise
is precipitous, the CSF acidosis could worsen until the increased bicarbonate equilibrates
with the CSF space. Because rapid correction of pH is problematic, bicarbonate administration
is not advocated in DKA unless cardiovascular instability is present. Even then,
the doses administered are small. Unfortunately, despite very careful and slow correction
of the hyperosmolar and acidotic state, hyperosmolar coma with fulminant brain edema
can occur.[263]
The pathophysiology of brain swelling
in DKA is poorly understood. There is radiographic evidence that subclinical brain
swelling may in fact be relatively common in children with DKA.[264]
If the swelling is significant, the therapeutic
approach is to administer mannitol immediately and begin therapy for intracranial