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Measuring Recovery

Recovery of a patient after uncomplicated anesthesia and surgery is often routine. Many studies of recovery room care compare intermediate end points such as early awakening or return to baseline on psychometric tests.


Figure 71-14 Postanesthesia care unit (PACU) simulation model for nursing staffing. The simulations assume that the surgery suite determines the number of full-time equivalents to staff the PACU by scheduling the minimum number to handle the peak workload on 95% of days. Full-time nurses are scheduled on overlapping shifts (two shifts per day) so that all nurses are present at the time of day when the peak number of patients in the PACU is expected.

A patient-rated quality-of-recovery score with good validity, reliability, and clinical acceptability in outpatients undergoing many types of surgery has been developed. [202] This instrument focused on patients' assessments of what constitutes a favorable anesthetic and outcome. The authors suggest that this tool be used as an outcome measure in clinical studies and that approximately 20 patients would be required in each group to detect a significant difference in recovery. For patients undergoing minor surgery, this instrument yielded an average quality-of-recovery score of 18 preoperatively, 15 during PACU recovery, 16 at 4 hours after surgery, 17 from day 1 to day 5 postoperatively, and 18 after week 1. For major surgery, the average scores were 18 preoperatively, 13 during PACU recovery, 14 after 4 hours following completion of surgery, 15 on
TABLE 71-6 -- Number of full-time PACU nurses needed to be employed each day when admissions are from 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Number of Full-Time Nurses Required per Day by Phase 1 Bypass Rate
Time in Phase 1 (min) Time in Phase 2 (min) Mean Number of Patients Each Day 0% 20% 40% 60% 80%
30  60 20  6  5  5  5  4
30  60 30  7  7  7  6  6
30  60 40  9  9  8  7  7
60  60 20  7  7  6  5  5
60  60 30  9  8  8  7  6
60  60 40 11 10  9  8  7
60 120 20  8  8  7  6  6
60 120 30 11 10  9  9  8
60 120 40 14 13 12 11 10
Adapted from Dexter F, Macario A, Manberg P, Lubarsky D: Computer simulation to determine how rapid anesthetic recovery protocols affect staffing of an ambulatory surgery center. Anesth Analg 88:1053, 1999.

postoperative day 1, 16 on day 2, 17 on day 3, and normalized to 18 after 2 weeks.

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