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Chapter 71 - The Postanesthesia Care Unit

Thomas W. Feeley
Alex Macario

Recovery from anesthesia is, for most patients, a smooth, uneventful emergence from an uncomplicated anesthetic and operation. However, for some patients, recovery from anesthesia can be a life-threatening process best managed by skilled medical and nursing personnel. For anesthesiologists, involvement in optimizing safe recovery from anesthesia is a key component of perioperative medicine.

Postanesthesia care units (PACUs) often face the task of simultaneously caring for patients waking up from routine surgery, patients recovering from regional anesthesia, critically ill postoperative patients, and children emerging from the frightening world of anesthesia and surgery. The facilities and staff must be experienced and flexible to ensure proper early recovery as the patient emerges from anesthesia and then to facilitate intermediate recovery when the patient achieves criteria for discharge to the ward or directly home. These are important first steps to allow patients to return to their normal activity.

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