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Because of the reduced ambient Po2 at high altitudes, the risk of perioperative hypoxia is likely to be magnified, particularly in newcomers to altitude. Opiates depress both the tachycardia and hyperpnea that normally occur in response to acute hypoxemia. Slow recovery of consciousness and postanesthetic headache have been reported after anesthesia consisting of thiopental with air or nitrous oxide.[268] When ventilation was assisted or controlled during the anesthetic and when postoperative supplemental O2 was administered, these complications did not occur, which suggests that intraoperative or postoperative hypoxemia may be a pathophysiologic factor. On the other hand, long-term residents at altitude may be more tolerant of hypoxemia; in such individuals, other considerations may be important, including the higher baseline hematocrit, pulmonary hypertension, and lower PaCO2 and bicarbonate concentrations.[214] [269] To prevent renal retention of bicarbonate, which will reduce the ventilatory drive, patients requiring controlled ventilation should have their PaCO2 maintained at the baseline value rather than in the traditionally normal range. Similarly, maintenance of PaO2 within the sea-level normal range will result in loss of adaptation and difficulty in readapting the patient to breathing room air.
Increased oozing of blood from surgical wounds at altitude has been reported.[270] This effect has been attributed to higher venous pressure and blood volume, vasodilatation, and increased capillary density. Camporesi[271] has reviewed the topic of anesthesia at both high and low ambient pressure.
James and White[272] tested Fluotec Mark II and Dräger halothane vaporizers at sea level and at altitudes of 5000 ft
The same authors[272] also examined the effect of altitude on floating-bobbin or floating-ball gas flow meters. At a simulated altitude of 10,000 ft (3048 m), both nitrous oxide and O2 flow meters under-read the actual flow rate. The percentage of error progressively increased up to 4 L/min, at which point both flow meters were approximately 20% in error. A hazard may therefore arise when a low flow of O2 is mixed with a higher flow of nitrous oxide. Unless an O2 analyzer is available, the delivered percentage of O2 may be significantly lower than that calculated on the basis of the flow meter readings.
Venturi-type gas-mixing devices tend to deliver higher concentrations of O2 at altitude than they do at sea level[272] ; at an altitude of 10,000 ft (3048 m), a mask designed to deliver 35% O2 at sea level actually delivered 41% O2 .
The potency of anesthetic gases is proportional to their partial pressure. Therefore, as barometric pressure is reduced, fixed concentrations of inhaled anesthetics will have lower potency. Cleaton-Jones and coauthors[273] reported insignificant differences in the effect of nitrous oxide at sea level and an altitude of 1700 m. On the other hand, at an altitude of 3300 m, James and colleagues [274] showed a significant reduction in the efficacy of 50% nitrous oxide in reducing the pain threshold in normal volunteers ( Table 70-9 ). Because of this reduced effectiveness and the errors in administered gas concentration, which can occur as a result of altered gas flow meter performance (see later), in the absence of accurate inspired gas monitoring, the risks associated with the use of nitrous oxide at altitudes higher than about 2000 m may exceed the benefit.
Because supplemental O2
may not be available in some
mountain locations, it may be imperative to choose an anesthetic technique that is
least likely to suppress ventilation. Pederson and Benumof[275]
have reported using ketamine anesthesia with spontaneous ventilation in 23 patients
requiring general anesthesia at an altitude of 1830 m. Significant, though brief
desaturation developed in two patients, but it resolved quickly. The authors
Altitude (m) | Barometric Pressure (mm Hg) | Increase in Pain Threshold (%) | Side Effects |
0 | 760 | 71.5 | 3 subjects, nausea; 2 subjects, semicomatose |
1460 | 636 | 40.0 | None |
3300 | 517 | 19.0 | None |
Data from James MFM, Manson EDM, Dennett JE: Nitrous oxide analgesia and altitude. Anaesthesia 37:285, 1982. |
Spinal anesthesia has been reported to result in an unacceptably high incidence of post-dural puncture headache.[268] Possible causes include chronically increased CSF pressure, dehydration, and altered sensitivity of the high-altitude resident's CNS to intracranial pressure changes. [268] Headaches were not reported in 20 young native mountain dwellers in whom Severinghaus and coworkers obtained CSF samples with 25-gauge needles.[215]
At high altitude, alveolar PO2 is normally increased by hyperventilation induced by the hypoxic ventilatory drive. Administration of anesthetics or narcotic analgesics, both of which blunt the hypoxic ventilatory drive, may therefore precipitate hypoxia. The resulting hypoxic symptoms of irritability, confusion, and restlessness may be misinterpreted as being due to pain, and misguided
Figure 70-17
Surgical procedure under general anesthesia with ketamine
at Kunde Hospital, Nepal (altitude, 3840 m), the site of the published series of
general anesthetics described in the text.[276]
The patient is spontaneously breathing room air. The photo depicts Dr. David Murdoch
assisted by Kami Temba Sherpa, now the physician in charge of Kunde Hospital. (Courtesy
of Dr. Lynley Cook.)
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