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Chapter 70 - Clinical Care in Altered Environments: At High and Low Pressure and in Space

Richard E. Moon
Enrico M. Camporesi

Hyperbaric medicine began in the 19th century, when clinical improvement was observed after recompression of divers and compressed air workers with decompression sickness. Exposure of patients to hyperbaric pressure for therapeutic purposes was introduced in several large facilities. Hyperbaric air treatment in the 19th century was reported for a variety of diseases, including tuberculosis, heart failure, emphysema, bronchitis, asthma, croup, whooping cough, anemia, anorexia, dyspepsia, leukorrhea, menorrhagia, neuralgic pain, and depression. These early applications, based on vague pathophysiologic principles, suffered from an overoptimistic view of the results. [1] [2] Hyperbaric spas flourished in the early 1900s in Europe and North America. Lack of a firm physiologic


Figure 70-1 Mobile hyperbaric operating room described by Fontaine in 1879.[5] Nitrous oxide storage tanks can be seen under the operating table. A nitrous oxide-oxygen mixture compressed to 1.25 to 1.33 atmospheres absolute (ATA) with air was provided to the patient. Breathing air in this chamber would have provided an inspired PO2 equivalent to 26% to 28% O2 at 1 ATA.

basis and poor choice of indications caused scientific stasis in the field for many subsequent years.[3] [4]

An exception was the use of a mobile hyperbaric chamber for anesthesia and surgery by Fontaine.[5] A nitrous oxide-oxygen mixture compressed to 1.25 to 1.33 atmospheres absolute (ATA) was provided to the patient ( Fig. 70-1 ). Fontaine reported that asphyxia and cyanosis, often present during normal induction of anesthesia at 1 ATA, were absent in the hyperbaric chamber. Breathing air in Fontaine's chamber would have provided an inspired PO2 equivalent to 26% to 28% O2 at 1 ATA. This was perhaps the first use of elevated PO2 during anesthesia.

Until the 20th century, hyperbaric treatment involved the use of air. Use of O2 at high pressure for the treatment of decompression sickness had previously been suggested[6] and reported for the treatment of decompression sickness,[7] but it remained an isolated medical curiosity. The clinical application of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) began in the late 1950s, in parallel with an increased understanding of blood gas analysis and gas exchange physiology.

In the early 1960s, several institutions in Europe and the United States pursued investigations into the clinical efficacy of high-pressure oxygenation. A few indications, such as support of oxygenation in hyaline membrane disease of the newborn[8] and during open heart surgery,[9] [10] did not withstand the test of time: the former because of pulmonary oxygen toxicity, the latter because of the development of cardiopulmonary bypass. Indications are reviewed regularly by the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society (headquarters in Kensington, MD). This medical organization publishes an extensive bibliography with a list of indications for hyperbaric oxygenation that is updated every 2 to 3 years.[11] Laboratory and clinical data support the use of HBO for a select number of acute and chronic illnesses ( Table 70-1 ), and anesthesiologists are often called on to provide care for patients in this unusual environment.

Interest in the physiologic and medical aspects of altitude originated as a result of the mountaineering and high-altitude balloon exploits in the 19th century. This body of knowledge has become increasingly useful as the number of people flying in aircraft, traveling from low to high altitude, and living or working at higher elevations progressively increases ( Table 70-2 ). Exposure to altitude is accompanied by well-known physiologic changes and unique clinical syndromes. Significant effort has been devoted to techniques for prophylaxis and treatment of these illness in recent years. In addition, increasingly sensitive methods of monitoring oxygenation during anesthesia have led to the recognition that routine anesthetic care at even moderate altitude may require some
TABLE 70-1 -- Partial list of conditions for which hyperbaric oxygen has been used
Gas bubble disease
   * Air embolism[12] [13] [14]
   * Decompression sickness [12] [13]
   * Carbon monoxide[15] [16] [17] [18]
  Cyanide[19] [20]
  Carbon tetrachloride[21] [22]
  Hydrogen sulfide[19] [23] [24]
   * Clostridial myonecrosis [25] [26] [27] [28]
   * Other soft tissue necrotizing infections[28] [29] [30]
   * Refractory chronic osteomyelitis[31] [32]
   * Intracranial abscess [11]
  Mucormycosis[33] [34]
Acute ischemia
   * Crush injury[35]
   * Compromised skin flaps [36] [37] [38] [39]
Chronic ischemia
   * Radiation necrosis (soft tissue, radiation cystitis, and osteoradionecrosis)[40] [41] [42] [43] [44]
   * Ischemic ulcers, including diabetic ulcers[45] [46]
Acute hypoxia
   * Exceptional blood loss anemia (when transfusion is delayed or unavailable)[47]
  Support of oxygenation during therapeutic lung lavage [48] [49]
Thermal injury
   * Burns[50] [51] [52] [53] [294]
  Brown recluse spider bite[54] [55]
*Approved by the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society as an appropriate indication for HBO therapy.[11]


TABLE 70-2 -- Range of terrestrial altitudes
Altitude Ambient Pressure
ft m Atmospheres Absolute (ATA) mm Hg Comments

0.32 246* Lowest pressure to which volunteers have been continuously exposed (hypobaric chamber study: Operation Everest I)[56] [57]
29,028 8848 0.35 263* Mt. Everest, Nepal: highest point on earth
20,320 6194 0.45 345 Mt. McKinley (Denali): highest point in North America
19,521 5950 0.49 372* Aucanquilcha mine, Chile: highest altitude known to have been continuously inhabited by humans[58]
17,060 5200 0.54 409 Chacaltaya ski resort, Bolivia (elevation at the top of the ski hill is 5422 m)
16,733 5100 0.55 414 La Rinconada, Peru: highest permanently inhabited town
14,110 4301 0.58 458 Pike's Peak, Colorado[59]
13,796 4205 0.60 (0.57–0.63) 460* (433–479)* Mauna Kea, Hawaii (Keck Observatory)[60]
11,910 3630 0.65 497 La Paz, Bolivia
10,500 3200 0.69 524 Alta Ski Resort, Utah
10,430 3179 0.69 525 Leadville, Colorado (highest-altitude incorporated city in North America; population 3000)[61]
9321 2841 0.67–0.68 507–516* South Pole Station, Antarctica[62]
9249 2819 0.72 549 Quito, Ecuador
7546 2300 0.77 583 Mexico City, Mexico
5280 1609 0.83 633 Denver, Colorado; Zermatt, Switzerland
4500 1372 0.86 650 Banff, Alberta, Canada; Katmandu, Nepal
0 0 1.00 760 Sea level
Altitudes and barometric pressures are shown for Mt. Everest and several locations inhabited at least part time. Barometric pressures have been calculated with an algorithm developed by West,[63] except for values with an asterisk, which were obtained by direct measurement.[57]

modification to avoid hypoxia in normal individuals. Moreover, millions of individuals are acutely exposed to altitude during commercial aircraft flight. The effects of the small reduction in inspired O2 pressure (PO2 ) may be clinically significant for individuals with cardiorespiratory or cerebrovascular disease.

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