Anesthetic Management for MRI
Patient acceptance of MRI examination is generally high. Most
adults and small babies (if recently fed and well wrapped up) tolerate the procedure
without sedation/analgesia. Sedation/analgesia may be required in older children
and adults who cannot cooperate. Sedation/analgesia is usually administered by radiologists
and nurses in the MRI suite. This practice generally works well, as long as it conforms
to the ASA recommendations for sedation by nonanesthesiologists.[6]
The likelihood that a child can undergo the examination successfully under sedation/analgesia
is enhanced if the child is sleep deprived for several hours the previous night.
All patients receiving sedation/analgesia need supplemental oxygen and standard
monitoring. Anesthesia personnel become involved in these patients' care in the
MRI suite when sedation fails, when it is impossible to control patient movement
without general anesthesia, and when it is necessary to protect the patient's airway
and control ventilation.
Several articles have discussed anesthetic management of patients
undergoing MRI.[52]
As might be inferred from the preceding discussion, provision of anesthesia in the
MRI suite poses several unique problems, including the following:
- Limited patient access and visibility, especially when the patient must
be placed head first into the magnet ( Fig.
- Absolute need to exclude ferromagnetic components
- Interference/malfunction of monitoring equipment produced by the changing
magnetic field and RF currents
- Potential degradation of the imaging caused by the stray RF currents produced
by the monitoring equipment and leads
- The necessity to not move the anesthetic and monitoring equipment once
the examination has started to prevent degradation of magnetic field homogeneity
- Limited access to the MRI suite for emergency personnel in accordance with
the recommended policies noted earlier
Figure 69-1
View of a magnetic resonance scanner through the window
from the control desk. Note the limited patient access. The photograph appears
grainy because of the radiofrequency shield embedded in the window. (From
Mackenzie RA, Southorn PA, Stensrud PE: Anesthesia at remote locations. In
Miller RD [ed]: Anesthesiology, 5th ed. Philadelphia, Churchill Livingstone, 2000,
p 2248.)
Limiting these problems mandates involvement of the department
of anesthesiology in planning and construction of MRI suites, as well as administration
of the operation of these suites. Satisfactory performance of the anesthetic and
monitoring equipment and ensuring that this equipment does not interfere with the
scanning need to be confirmed before clinical use. An early solution adopted by
some MRI units was to keep the anesthetic and monitoring equipment outside the MRI
Disadvantages of this approach included
the need for long monitoring leads, anesthesia machine hoses, and other connections
to the patient with the risk of disconnection and the need to have extra personnel
resources simultaneously with the patient and with the monitoring equipment. The
advent of MRI-compatible anesthesia machines and monitors has rendered this approach
unnecessary and relatively unsafe. A common approach now is to induce anesthesia
in an induction area adjacent to the MRI suite outside the magnetic field by using
conventional equipment with the patient on a dedicated MRI transport table that is
not ferromagnetic. This transport table is then used to bring the patient into the
MRI suite, where anesthesia and monitoring are continued with MRI-compatible devices.
The MRI transport table is also used to remove the patient rapidly from the scanner
should an emergency arise. This is important because the ferromagnetic equipment
used for patient resuscitation by the code team and others must never be brought
into the MRI scanner room.[42]
Several manufacturers make MRI-compatible anesthetic machines.
Various breathing circuits have been used
in the MRI suite. They can be used to deliver breaths generated by an MRI-compatible
mechanical ventilator or by manual inflation of an anesthesia bag. Because the patient's
airway is not easily accessed during the MRI scan and because patient assessment
and communication are limited by both the magnet bore in which the patient is placed
and the loud noise associated with MRI scanning, deep sedation/analgesia is not advisable.
Patients requiring more than moderate sedation/analgesia are probably most safely
administered a general anesthetic with airway control by either endotracheal intubation
or a laryngeal mask airway (LMA). Endotracheal tubes and LMAs and their connections
to the breathing circuit must contain no ferromagnetic material. Because conventional
zinc batteries are strongly ferromagnetic, if a laryngoscope is needed in the MRI
suite, it should be of plastic construction and equipped with lithium batteries and
aluminum spacers. As noted, most emergency situations in the MRI scan room itself
should be treated with basic life support techniques while the patient is rapidly
moved out of the scanner vicinity for definitive treatment.
Given the patient's inaccessibility in the MRI scanner, patient
observation by the anesthesiologist is limited
(see Fig. 69-1
). Chest
excursion will probably be observable, but this is not guaranteed. A peripheral
pulse will probably be amenable to palpation, but again, this is not guaranteed.
Cathode ray displays are distorted by magnetic fields, whereas those based on liquid
crystal technology are preserved. This modification is one used by equipment manufacturers
in designing monitoring equipment for use in the MRI environment. Specific problems
and solutions for monitoring each physiologic parameter in the MRI environment can
be summarized as follows.[52]
- Electrocardiography: Voltage induced by blood flow in the aorta when the
patient is in a static magnetic field produces T- and ST-wave abnormalities. In
addition, the rapidly changing magnetic fields can induce artifacts in the ECG trace.
Furthermore, as noted previously, the patient may be subject to heating and thermal
- Pulse oximetry: The antenna effect in conventional pulse oximetry wires
has resulted in thermal injury.[57]
MRI-compatible pulse oximeters use fiberoptic signal linking between the sensor and
- Noninvasive blood pressure monitoring: Such monitoring can be successfully
accomplished, provided that the connections of the blood pressure cuff and hoses
are plastic.
- Precordial and esophageal stethoscopes: These instruments do not function
well because of the interference created by the noise of the scanner when it is in
- Capnography: This monitor usually functions satisfactorily, but the length
of the sample tube may cause a significant time delay in signal transduction.
- Temperature: Temperature monitoring is not generally a problem if temperature
probes with RF filters are used.
Meeting all the ASA recommendations for standard monitors in the
MRI suite is thus problematic. Pulse oximetry should be used on all patients receiving
sedation/analgesia or anesthesia, with the probe placed as far from the scanning
site as possible to limit the potential for thermal injury, which still exists despite
the use of nonferromagnetic connections.[56]
blood pressure monitoring should likewise be used in all anesthetized patients.
Capnography should be performed in all applicable cases. ECG monitoring in the MRI
scanner should probably be limited to patients deemed to be at particularly high
risk, if it is used at all, with precautions taken to limit the potential for thermal
No specific anesthetic technique is required for MRI. Most cooperative
patients, as noted, will tolerate MRI with either no sedation or light to moderate
sedation/analgesia. MRI is not painful, and the medication regimen may thus be biased
toward sedation unless the patient's underlying condition or the long period in the
scanner in the supine position requires analgesia. Patients with critical neurologic
and cardiac problems, including congenital cardiac conditions, are frequently and
safely anesthetized for MRI. Should the patient undergo sedation/analgesia, the
anesthesia provider should be present in the scanner room. Again, hearing protection
is mandatory for anesthesia providers if they must remain in the scan room. Critically
ill patients, uncooperative adults, and children older than 3 years, who may not
respond favorably to chloral hydrate, may best be managed with general anesthesia.
Because patient access is limited during the scan, our practice has been to secure
the airway with either an endotracheal tube or LMA and control ventilation. General
anesthesia is induced in an induction area adjacent to the MRI room after standard
monitors are placed and the airway is secured. Particular care is taken to ensure
removal of the ECG electrodes before transfer to the scan room, as well as all other
non-MRI-compatible monitoring devices. The patient is then transferred to the adjacent
scan room, ventilation resumed, and function of the airway device reassessed. Airway
disconnection is typically limited to 15 to 30 seconds. Anesthesia is usually maintained
with volatile anesthetics, although propofol is sometimes used. MRI-compatible monitors
are placed, and the examination proceeds. It is not mandatory that the anesthesia
provider remain in the scan room during general anesthesia, assuming that remote
mirroring of the monitors and direct observation of the anesthesia machine are feasible
from the immediately adjacent control room. If such observation is not feasible,
the anesthesia provider will need to remain in the scanner room with the patient.
At the end of the examination, the patient is transferred back to the induction
area and awakened there, where conventional monitoring may be resumed and conventional
management of any untoward event can take place. At any point in the examination,
the patient may be emergently transferred to the induction area for management of
an emergency situation. After emergence from anesthesia, the patient is transferred
to the radiology recovery room and monitored. Patients are discharged when they
are documented to have met conventional discharge criteria.