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The anesthetic properties of the noble gas xenon were first described more than 50 years ago.[510] Xenon has a blood gas partition coefficient less than that of nitrous oxide,[511] does not undergo biotransformation,[512] provides rapid induction and emergence from anesthesia,[513] [514] [515] and exerts analgesic effects[516] independent of α2 -adrenergic and opioid receptors.[517] Despite these advantageous properties, xenon has not been routinely used for clinical anesthesia in the United States because it is more expensive than nitrous oxide and volatile anesthetics. More efficient manufacturing techniques and development of low-flow administration and recycling systems have reduced the cost of xenon and rekindled interest in its clinical use.[514] [518] [519] Many of these issues are succinctly summarized in an excellent review by Lynch and colleagues.[520]

Xenon causes minimal systemic and pulmonary hemodynamic effects in vivo,[513] [514] [521] [522] [523] preserves[513] or very modestly reduces[524] myocardial contractility, and attenuates alterations in hemodynamics and increases in plasma epinephrine and cortisol concentrations associated with surgical stimulation. [521] [525] [526] Xenon did not alter cardiac function or major ion currents in isolated guinea pig hearts and ventricular myocytes.[527] Similar findings were observed in isolated human atrial myocytes.[528] Xenon exerted modest cardioprotective effects when administered during early reperfusion after regional myocardial ischemia in rabbit hearts.[529] However, the mechanisms responsible for this protective effect are unclear based on data indicating that xenon does not affect the amplitudes of Na,+ L-type Ca,2+ and inward-rectifier K+ channels in whole-cell patch-clamped myocytes.[527] The effects of xenon on systemic hemodynamics, LV systolic and diastolic function, and the determinants of LV afterload have also been examined in chronically instrumented dogs before and after the development of rapid LV pacing-induced cardiomyopathy.[530] Xenon was remarkably devoid of hemodynamic effects in normal and cardiomyopathic dogs anesthetized with isoflurane. Xenon did not alter isoflurane-induced reductions in the PRSW slope (Mw ) in the presence and absence of pacing-induced LV dysfunction ( Fig. 7-25 ). Xenon caused greater increases in the time constant of isovolumic relaxation in isoflurane-anesthetized, cardiomyopathic dogs compared with normal dogs, but indices of early LV filling and chamber compliance remained unchanged, suggesting that xenon does not appreciably influence LV diastolic function during isoflurane anesthesia. Xenon also produced relatively minor alterations in the determinants of LV afterload in dogs before and after pacing. Taken together, these data indicate that xenon produces very subtle cardiovascular effects during isoflurane anesthesia in dogs with and without experimental dilated cardiomyopathy.[530] A level of 56% xenon (end-tidal concentration) depressed sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system transmission to a greater extent than 0.8 MAC of isoflurane in healthy patients undergoing elective surgery.[531]

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