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Viral Diseases Regarded as Potential Biological Warfare Hazards

A number of viral illnesses are considered to be potential biological warfare agents. They are the province of the specialized infectious disease physician, and anesthesiologists should consult specialized texts for further information.


Smallpox is placed high on the potential terrorist hazard list because of the continuing presence of laboratory stocks of virus, which is only normally promulgated through human hosts. The success of the worldwide vaccination campaign led the World Health Organization to declare smallpox an extinct disease, and mass vaccination programs were stopped. However, laboratory studies continued, and there is a fear that strains could be stolen and used to create a deliberate widespread epidemic in a largely unprotected population.

Anesthesiologists should be aware of the general features of the disease and its management.[88] Intensive care may be required for cases contracting overwhelming secondary infection. Although treatment is based on isolation and supportive therapy, there is interest in the use of the antivirals cidofovir and ribavirin.

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