Toxins are high-molecular-weight compounds that are in the middle
of the CBW spectrum. They are produced by bacteria and by organisms ranging from
protozoans up to
TABLE 64-10 -- Antidotes used in the treatment of cyanide poisoning
Antidote |
Action |
Route |
Dose |
Concurrent Drugs |
Duration of Administration |
Possible Side Effects |
Oxygen |
Increased arterial O2
content, potentiates activity
of other antidotes |
Inhalation by mask or endotracheal tube (ETT) |
High flow by mask or 100% by ETT |
Oxygen used as primary antidote in all cases |
No more than 24 hr |
Unlikely—possible in patients with chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease |
Amyl nitrite |
Methemoglobin formation |
Inhalation |
Adults: 0.2 mL |
Oxygen (not simultaneously) |
30 sec per 1 min |
Difficult to achieve effective antidotal levels without cardiovascular
collapse |
Peds: 0.2 mL may need repeating |
Sodium nitrite |
Methemoglobin formation |
Intravenous injection |
Adults: 300 mg (10 mL of 30 mg/mL) (3%) |
Adults: sodium thiosulfate, 25 mL of 500 mg/mL (50%) solution
and oxygen |
No less than 5 min and up to 20 min |
Methemoglobinemia, vasodilation, and cardiovascular collapse |
Peds: 0.13–0.33 mL/kg of 30 mg/mL (3%) solution (i.e.,
4 mg to 10 mg/kg body weight) |
Peds: sodium thiosulfate, 1.65 mL/kg body weight of 250 mg/mL
(25%) solution (approx. 400 mg/kg body weight) and oxygen |
Dicobalt edetate |
Binding of cyanide ions by dicobalt edetate and by free cyanide
ions |
Intravenous injection |
Adults: 300 mg (20 mL of 15 mg/mL) (15%) |
50 mL dextrose (500 g/L) IV immediately after each dose and oxygen |
1 min |
Urticaria, edema of face and neck, chest pains, dyspnea, hypotension,
convulsions |
Peds: 4–7.5 mg/kg (0.3–0.5 mL/kg of 15 mg/mL) (15%) |
4-DMAP |
Methemoglobin formation |
Intravenous injection |
Adults: 3.25 mg/kg |
Oxygen and sodium thiosulfate |
1 min |
Methemoglobinemia vasodilation, and cardiovascular collapse;
hemolysis, elevated bilirubin and iron (this is unlikely to be relevant to single-dose
exposure) |
Peds: 3.25 mg/kg |
Hydroxocobalamin |
Binds cyanide ions |
Intravenous injection |
Adults: 5–10 g |
5 g reconstituted in 100 mL 0.9% saline; oxygen |
20 min |
Reddish discoloration to skin and mucous membranes |
Peds: 70 mg/kg |
Sodium thiosulfate |
Sulfur donor for endogenous enzymatic conversion of cyanide to
thiocyanate |
Intravenous injection |
Adults: sodium thiosulfate, 25 mL of 500 mg/mL (50%) solution
and oxygen |
Oxygen and sodium nitrite or
oxygen and DMAP |
10 min |
Excess administration may cause hypernatremia. |
Peds: sodium thiosulfate, 1.65 mL/kg body weight of 250 mg/mL
(25%) solution (approx. 400 mg/kg body weight) and oxygen |
reptiles such as snakes and arachnids such as scorpions. Toxins pose a considerable
everyday hazard to humans in many parts of the world, and this has fueled much research
into their actions and treatment.[73]
they are of considerable interest when used as research tools to probe natural processes
such as nerve conduction and neuromuscular transmission. Toxins such as black widow
spider venom have long been used in this way. In the context of toxic warfare, toxins
have often been cited as doomsday weapons, and there
is considerable public fear about their actions. Because they are produced by living
organisms and do not reproduce themselves, they are akin to conventional chemical
agents. More than 500 toxins have been described, but only a few are suitable for
battlefield and terrorist attack because of the difficulties in production and lack
of stability in a released aerosol.[74]
The characteristics
of some common toxins are shown in Table
In the chemical warfare context, the anesthesiologist may encounter
toxins with short latencies (e.g., neurotoxins such as botulinum toxin), requiring
immediate life support and treatment, or with long latencies (e.g., DNA toxins such
as ricin), which cause major organ dysfunction and present intensive care problems.
Botulinum Toxin
Botulinum toxin is produced by the anaerobe Clostridium
botulinum and has the reputation of being the most toxic substance by
weight known to man; it is at least 5000 times more toxic than sarin in this respect.
Botulism, the natural occurrence of the toxin in food poisoning, is a disease of
humans and animals. Seven different functionally related neurotoxins (A through
G) are produced by the patent
TABLE 64-11 -- Characteristics of some common toxins
Source |
Toxin |
Action |
Bacteria |
Bacillus anthracis |
Anthrax toxin |
DNA toxin |
Staphylococcus aureus |
Staphylococcal enterotoxin B |
Enterotoxin |
Vibrio cholerae |
Cholera toxin |
Enterotoxin |
Clostridium botulinum |
Botulinum toxins |
Prejunctional decrease in acetylcholine release |
Clostridium perfringens |
Perfringens toxin |
Necrosis through phospholipase C |
Clostridium tetani |
Tetanus toxin |
Neurotoxin increase in excitability of motor neurons |
Protozoa |
Ganaulux cotanella |
Saxitoxin |
Depolarization block |
Fungi |
Fusarium spp. |
Tricothecenes |
DNA toxin; hemorrhagic syndrome |
Plants |
Ricinus communis (castor bean) |
Ricin |
DNA toxin; hepatorenal failure |
Amphibia |
Colombian frog |
Batrachotoxin |
Irreversible; Na+
channel blockade; depolarization
block |
Reptilia |
Asiatic cobra (Naja naja oxiana) |
Cobratoxin |
Postsynaptic neurotoxin via phospholipase A2
Taiwan banded krait (Bungarus multicinctus) |
Alpha bungarotoxin |
Acetylcholine receptor blocker |
Fish |
Deadly pufferfish |
Tetrodotoxin |
Depolarization block |
Adapted from Baker DJ: Anesthesia in extreme environmental
conditions. Part 2. Chemical and biologic warfare. In
Grande CG (ed): Textbook of Trauma Anesthesia and Critical Care. Baltimore. Mosby-Year
Book, 1993, pp 1320–1354. |
organism. Botulism is essentially an intoxication brought on by ingestion of the
toxin produced by clostridial infection of food, usually incorrectly canned meats.
Primary botulism, a direct infection, is rare and affects only infants in the human
Botulinum toxin is of interest as a toxic agent because it can
be relatively easily produced by fermentation processes (which have been developed
to produce antitoxins) and it is stable as an aerosol, making mass delivery a theoretical
possibility. Calculations that 1 kg of the toxin would be sufficient to destroy
every human on the planet have rested on this fact. However, botulinum intoxication
can be treated, and this modifies the toxicity considerably. It is estimated that
less than 10% of natural cases receiving ventilatory and antitoxin support are fatal.
A consensus document exploring botulinum toxin as a biological weapon has appeared
as part of the increasing concern about the possible exposure of civilian populations
to bioweapons.[75]
Signs and Symptoms
Botulinum toxin acts at the nerve terminal of cholinergic synapses
and blocks the release of acetylcholine by being taken up into the vesicles and translocated
to the cytoplasm, where it catalyzes the proteolysis of components involved in the
calcium-mediated exocytosis of acetylcholine. The inhibition is permanent, and recovery
occurs only after the creation of new terminal boutons. The toxin blocks neurotransmission,
parasympathetic synapses, and peripheral ganglia. The signs and symptoms of the
intoxication can be explained on this basis. After ingestion of the toxin (the usual
route), the parasympathetic action typically produces a dry mouth, followed
by signs of a progressive bulbar palsy (i.e., dysarthria, dysphasia, and dysphagia)
and ocular signs (i.e., diplopia and ptosis). This is followed by progressive symmetric
descending muscular weakness that leads to respiratory failure requiring prolonged
ventilatory support. Neuromuscular testing shows a classic presynaptic decremental
pattern to repeated stimuli with post-tetanic facilitation. Single-fiber electromyography
can detect the neuromuscular changes before conventional nerve stimulation; there
is increased jitter and blocking, which is reduced by increasing the nerve firing
The pattern of signs and symptoms after
a deliberate mass inhalation release is not known, but botulinum toxin must be considered
along with the nerve agents in any cases presenting with sudden disturbances of cholinergic
Conventional level C protection (see "Personal Protection") and
decontamination procedures are effective against the toxin, and several antisera
exist. A heptavalent antitoxin exists for all the serotypes, but the human efficacy
is not known with certainty.[77]
Established cases
require supportive treatment with antitoxin and positive-pressure ventilation. The
latter may be required for some time.
Saxitoxin has been suggested as a possible terrorist toxic agent,
but there is no record of its production or use in a military context. It is produced
naturally by dinoflagellate sea organisms (which cause the red tide), including Alexandrium
tamarense, Gymnodinium catenatum, and
Pyridinium hamense. The toxin is concentrated in
shellfish and is the cause of paralytic shellfish poisoning.[73]
The toxin is about 20 times more toxic than sarin, having an LD50
mice of 8 µg/kg. Saxitoxin is active by the inhalational route, causing bulbar
palsy and respiratory and cardiovascular failure. The toxin acts by blocking voltage-gated
sodium channels.[78]
Treatment is based on ventilatory
and organ support. An antitoxin has been developed in guinea pigs.[79]
Ricin is considered a serious terrorist threat because it can
be extracted relatively easily from the seeds of the castor bean plant, Ricinus
communis. Waste from the production of castor oil contains about 5% ricin,
making it a potential source for terrorists. Ricin has been used in assassination,
and high inhaled concentrations are thought
to be fatal. There is a substantial latent period before generalized signs and symptoms
of the inhibition of protein synthesis occur, including fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea,
drowsiness, confusion, convulsions, coma, weakness, cardiovascular collapse, and
respiratory failure, all progressing toward multiple organ failure and death within
36 to 72 hours. Ricin therefore poses a considerable ICU problem. Treatment is
supportive, but an antitoxin has been developed for use in animals.[80]