Neurologic Monitoring and Cerebral Perfusion
Intraoperative monitoring for cerebral ischemia, hypoperfusion,
and cerebral emboli during carotid endarterectomy is controversial (see Chapter
). Monitoring techniques include internal carotid artery stump pressure
determinations, rCBF measurements, EEG and SSEP monitoring, and transcranial Doppler
(TCD) scanning. Newer modalities, such as cerebral oximetry, are being evaluated.
The rationale for the use of such monitoring
is based on the need to prevent intraoperative strokes. The primary clinical utility
of cerebral monitoring is to identify patients in need of carotid artery shunting;
secondarily, cerebral monitoring is used to identify patients who may benefit from
blood pressure augmentation or a change in surgical technique.
The internal carotid artery stump pressure represents the back-pressure
resulting from collateral flow through the circle of Willis through the contralateral
carotid artery and the vertebrobasilar system. The advantages of carotid stump pressure
monitoring are that it is inexpensive, relatively easy to obtain, and continuously
available during carotid clamping (i.e., dynamic stump pressure). Despite these
advantages, few centers employ stump pressure monitoring because its accuracy in
determining adequacy of collateral flow and the need for selective shunting have
been questioned.[629]
Although the critical stump pressure is unknown, pressures below 50 mm Hg are thought
to be associated with hypoperfusion.[642]
The rCBF measurements during carotid endarterectomy are obtained
by intravenous or ipsilateral carotid artery injection of radioactive xenon and analysis
of decay curves obtained from detectors placed over the area of the ipsilateral cortex
supplied by the middle cerebral artery. Measurements are typically obtained before,
during, and immediately after carotid clamping. This technology, combined with EEG
monitoring, has provided important insight into the relationship between rCBF and
EEG evidence of cerebral ischemia and the critical rCBF associated with various anesthetics.
critical rCBF varies depending on the volatile anesthetic used. In patients receiving
nitrous oxide plus a volatile anesthetic, the rCBF is approximately 20, 15, 10, and
10 mL/100 g of brain tissue per minute for halothane, enflurane, isoflurane, and
sevoflurane, respectively.[593]
expense and the expertise required to make and interpret these blood flow measurements
have limited the use of this technology to only a few centers.
Many centers advocate the intraoperative use of EEG monitoring
for the detection of cerebral ischemia and subsequent selective shunting.[644]
full 16-channel strip-chart EEG and the processed (compressed spectral
array) EEG monitor are used for this purpose. Although the processed EEG is more
easily interpreted, it is less sensitive than the raw EEG. Significant ischemic
EEG changes occur in 7.5% to 20% of monitored patients during carotid clamping under
general anesthesia.[600]
Significant EEG changes occur more frequently in patients with contralateral carotid
disease compared with those without (14.3% versus 5.1%).[651]
The presence of a contralateral carotid occlusion may increase the rate of significant
ischemic EEG changes to nearly 50% during carotid clamping.[649]
Because contralateral occlusion is highly predictive of ischemic EEG changes with
carotid clamping, it has been recommended that EEG monitoring be eliminated in that
Ischemic EEG changes may also
be seen with shunt malfunction, hypotension, or cerebral emboli.
When EEG is used for cerebral ischemia monitoring during carotid
endarterectomy, a stable physiologic and anesthetic milieu is mandatory. The preferred
anesthetic technique (discussed earlier) uses sufentanil, 50% nitrous oxide in oxygen,
and less than 0.5 MAC volatile agent with a short-acting neuromuscular blocking agent.
This combination has minor effects on the EEG and requires no significant intraoperative
adjustment. Isoflurane, desflurane, and sevoflurane produce similar EEG changes
at equipotent levels,[595]
and, when used at approximately 0.5 MAC, allow
for reliable EEG cerebral ischemia monitoring.
The clinical usefulness of intraoperative EEG as an ischemia monitor
during carotid endarterectomy is limited by several factors.[648]
First, EEG monitoring may not detect subcortical or small cortical infarcts. Second,
falsenegative results (i.e., neurologic deficit with no ischemic EEG changes intraoperatively)
are not uncommon. Patients with preexisting stroke or reversible neurologic deficits
may have a particularly high incidence of such results. Third, the EEG is not ischemia
specific and may be affected by changes in temperature, blood pressure, and anesthetic
depth. Fourth, false-positive results (i.e., no perioperative neurologic deficit
with significant ischemic EEG changes intraoperatively) occur because not all cerebral
ischemia uniformly proceeds to infarction. Fifth, intraoperative EEG monitoring
is inherently limited because most intraoperative strokes are felt to be thromboembolic
and most perioperative strokes occur postoperatively. No consistent data demonstrate
that EEG monitoring is clearly superior to other methods of intraoperative cerebral
monitoring or that the use of EEG monitoring improves outcome.
Somatosensory evoked potential monitoring is based on the response
of the sensory cortex to electrical impulses from peripheral sensory nerve stimulation.
The sensory cortex, being primarily supplied by the middle cerebral artery, is at
risk during carotid artery clamping. SSEP monitoring, unlike EEG, is able to detect
subcortical sensory pathway ischemia. Characteristic SSEP tracings (i.e., decrease
in amplitude or increase in latency, or both) occur with decreased regional cerebral
blood flow and are abolished in primates when flow decreases to less than 12 mL/100
g of brain tissue per minute.[655]
No specific
amplitude reduction or increase in latency has been established as a physiologic
marker of impaired rCBF under operative conditions in humans. Anesthetics, hypothermia,
and blood pressure may affect SSEP significantly, and false-negative results have
been reported.[656]
The validity of SSEP as an
intraoperative monitor of cerebral ischemia during carotid endarterectomy has not
been definitively established.
TCD ultrasonography allows continuous measurement of mean blood
flow velocity and detection of microembolic events in the middle cerebral artery.
These parameters have important clinical implications because most perioperative
neurologic deficits are felt to be thromboembolic in origin.[657]
With TCD, intraoperative embolization has been detected in more than 90% of patients
undergoing carotid endarterectomy.[658]
Most intraoperative emboli are characteristic of air and are not associated with
adverse neurologic outcome. TCD may provide useful information regarding shunt function,
malfunction, and incidence of emboli during shunt insertion. Embolization during
carotid artery dissection may indicate plaque instability and the need for early
carotid artery clamping.[659]
Embolization during
dissection and wound closure are associated with operative stroke.[660]
One center reported that combined TCD monitoring and completion angiography resulted
in a reduction in intraoperative stroke rate from 4% to 0%.[661]
Early postoperative embolization has been detected in more than 70% of patients
after carotid endarterectomy[659]
and is exclusively
particulate in nature.[662]
Most TCD-detected emboli
occur in the first 2 to 3 hours after surgery.[663]
Persistent particulate embolization in the early postoperative period has been shown
to predict thrombosis and development of major neurologic deficit.[658]
Frequent early postoperative TCD embolic signals have been shown to be highly predictive
of early postoperative ipsilateral focal cerebral ischemia.[659]
Intervention with dextran has been shown to reduce and ultimately stop sustained
embolization after carotid endarterectomy.[663]
Perioperative microembolization is more common in women and patients with symptomatic
carotid disease.[664]
TCD monitoring has been reported to detect early asymptomatic carotid artery occlusion
and hyperperfusion syndrome after carotid endarterectomy.[666]
Although TCD monitoring holds much promise,
conclusive evidence demonstrating improved outcome has not been reported.