A number of newer approaches to revascularization have emerged
in recent years, including OPCAB grafting, minimally invasive direct coronary artery
bypass (MIDCAB), use of robotics, use of port-access adjuncts, and trans-myocardial
revascularization. Although results with conventional approaches to revascularization
are satisfactory, these methods have limitations that include complications related
to CPB, aortic cannulation, and aortic
cross-clamping (especially neurologic complications) and those related to prolonged
cardiopulmonary support and ICU stay. All complications have clear economic implications,
and hence the impetus for new approaches is also driven by health care costs.
Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
OPCAB grafting has become increasingly popular. The purported
benefits of this approach include decreased cerebral microemboli and stroke rates
as a result of reduced aortic manipulation, decreased bleeding and blood product
use as a result of the avoidance of CPB, decreased time to extubation, decreased
length of stay, and decreased overall cost. Although the procedure has been shown
to be comparable to CAB with CPB,[327]
it has not
yet been proved to be superior. In fact, the most recent data[328]
indicate that OPCAB does not confer any advantages
over conventional CAB in the low-risk patient population studied. No reliable data
are available on high-risk patients, and leaders in the field emphasize the need
for larger studies and ongoing scrutiny and are still unable to determine whether
OPCAB is a step forward, backward, or sideways.[330]
OPCAB procedures are a challenge to the anesthesiologist,
who must manage profound hemodynamic fluctuations, ischemia, and changes in myocardial
function that result from manipulation of the heart.
Decreases in preload resulting in decreased cardiac output are
frequent problems during OPCAB. Placement of pericardial sling sutures in the posterior
portion of the pericardium can cause constriction of the inferior vena cava and/or
pulmonary veins, or both, thus limiting venous return to the right and/or left sides
of the heart. This decrease is exacerbated when the heart is lifted out of the pericardium
so that conduit anastomoses can be performed on the posterior surface. To overcome
these effects, the patient is usually placed in a steep Trendelenburg position, and
crystalloid or colloid is administered to augment preload. Monitoring pulmonary
vascular and central venous pressures helps optimize loading conditions of the heart.
Experience and judgment are required to interpret vascular pressure measurements
in this setting because of the aberrant heart position. Ischemia and atrioventricular
valvular regurgitation may alter pressure
TABLE 50-23 -- Minimally invasive coronary artery bypass surgery without cardiopulmonary
Advantages |
Disadvantages |
Unknowns |
Avoidance of cardiopulmonary bypass |
Technically more demanding |
Operative risk |
Less risk of stroke or neuropsychiatric deficits |
Multivessel disease contraindicated |
Appropriate patient selection |
Shorter hospitalization, intensive care unit length of stay |
May not be a reproducible technique |
Short- and long-term graft patency rates |
Cost saving |
Hemodynamic instability and arrhythmias |
Adequacy of overall revascularization |
Decreased transfusion requirements |
Unsafe in unstable patients |
Cost considerations |
From Cheng D, Vegas A: Anesthesia for the surgical
management of ischemic heart disease. In Thys DM
(ed): Textbook of Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology. New York, McGraw-Hill, 2001, pp
530–588. Copyright © by McGraw-Hill, Inc. Used by permission of McGraw-Hill
Book Company. |
readings and confound interpretation of the data. TEE allows direct visualization
of the heart to determine the adequacy of preload. It can also detect new-onset
valvular regurgitation or diastolic dysfunction. However, the placement of pericardial
sutures, lifting of the heart out of the pericardium, and sponges placed behind the
heart all obscure images of the heart on TEE. Generally, all available data should
be used to determine the adequacy of preload during OPCAB.
Ischemic changes and new regional wall motion abnormalities (RWMAs),
as well as global cardiac dysfunction, are not uncommon during OPCAB procedures.
Ischemia can result from the temporary occlusion of a coronary artery for the purpose
of completing a distal anastomosis. New-onset ischemia may be seen on the ECG lead
distribution of the occluded coronary artery. Transient and minor ST segment and
axis changes are usually seen after the heart is positioned or the coronary artery
is occluded. These changes may be minor and not progressive, but if associated with
RWMAs, they are indicative of significant ischemia. TEE manifestations of ischemia
include the development of new RWMAs and new-onset valvular regurgitation secondary
to papillary muscle ischemia and diastolic dysfunction. Ischemia may also be manifested
as an increase in pulmonary artery pressure (dysfunction, mitral valve regurgitation).
Ischemia should be managed in the standard way by optimizing the determinants of
myocardial oxygen supply and demand. Blood flow to an ischemic region can be increased
by using shunts, opening the occluded coronary artery, or placing a new graft. Ischemia
can also result in heart block, necessitating pacing. If the myocardium becomes
profoundly ischemic, it can result in failure to pace. (Note that failure to pace
may be physiologically based and not a mechanical problem.)