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The Role of Aggressive Phlebotomy and the Use of Erythropoietin

The efficacy of preoperative autologous donation is dependent on the degree to which the patient's erythropoiesis increases the production of red blood cells (RBCs).[34] [35] [36] [37] The endogenous erythropoietin response and compensatory erythropoiesis are suboptimal under "standard" conditions of one blood unit donated weekly. As shown in Table 48-3 , weekly PAD is accompanied by an expansion in RBC volume of 11% (with no oral iron supplementation) to 19% (with oral iron supplementation), which is not sufficient to prevent increasing anemia in patients undergoing PAD. If the erythropoietic response to autologous blood phlebotomy is not able to maintain the patient's hematocrit level during the donation interval, the donation of autologous blood actually may be harmful.[38] This outcome was confirmed in a recent study of patients undergoing hysterectomies,[39] in which

it was shown that preoperative autologous blood donation resulted in perioperative anemia and an increased likelihood of any blood transfusion. A mathematical model [38] has been published to demonstrate the relationship between anticipated surgical blood losses, the level of hematocrit that the physician may want to maintain perioperatively, and the need for autologous blood donation for individual patients.

In contrast to autologous blood donation under "standard" conditions, studies of "aggressive" autologous blood phlebotomy (twice weekly for 3 weeks, beginning 25 to 35 days before surgery) have demonstrated that endogenous erythropoietin levels do increase, along with enhanced erythropoiesis representing RBC volume expansion of 19% to 26% (see Table 48-3 ). Exogenous (pharmacologic) erythropoietin therapy to further stimulate erythropoiesis (up to 50% RBC volume expansion[40] [41] [42] ) during autologous phlebotomy has been approved in Canada and Japan but not in the United States.[43] Perisurgical erythropoietin therapy is approved world-wide for anemic (Hct <39) patients scheduled for non-cardiac, non-vascular surgeries.

Transfusion Trigger

Disagreement exists about the proper hemoglobin/hematocrit level ("transfusion trigger") at which autologous blood should be given[44] (also see Chapter 47 ). Autologous blood transfusion is not without risks to the recipient; these include misidentification of patients or units, bacterial contamination of stored units, and volume overload ( Table 48-4 ). The case can be made that autologous and allogeneic blood transfusion triggers should be similar, since the mortality risks related to allogeneic blood (transfusion-transmitted infection and transfusion-related acute lung injury [TRALI]) now are less than risks of mortality from administrative errors which are associated with both autologous and allogeneic blood.[45] Data from a well-designed clinical trial indicates that even critical care patients can tolerate substantial
TABLE 48-4 -- Advantages and disadvantages of autologous blood donation
Advantages Disadvantages
Prevents transfusion-transmitted disease Does not affect risk of bacterial contamination
Prevents red cell alloimmunization Does not affect risk of ABO incompatibility error
Supplements the blood supply Is more costly than allogeneic blood
Provides compatible blood for patients with alloantibodies Results in wastage of blood not transfused
Prevents some adverse transfusion reactions Increased incidence of adverse reactions to autologous donation
Provides reassurance to patients concerned about blood risks Subjects patient to perioperative anemia and increased likelihood of transfusion

anemia (to Hb ranges of 7 to 9 g/dL) with no apparent benefit from more aggressive transfusion therapy.[46]

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