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Several methods of needle localization have been described, including facial "pops," elicitation of one or more paresthesias, perivascular or transarterial injection, electrical stimulation, and field infiltration. More recently, direct

imaging using ultrasonography, fluoroscopy, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have been used. Although there is no definitive study that identifies the best method for needle placement, generalities are possible. For example, elicitation of a paresthesia appears to be equivalent to electrical stimulation. Success rates and onset times of paresthesia and nerve stimulation techniques are further improved if multiple injections are performed. Transarterial injection is variably successful; a two-injection transarterial technique is comparable to single-injection paresthesia or nerve stimulator approaches. The success rate with a facial pop or click is variable and may be more reliable in pediatric patients than in adults. [7]

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