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Factors Governing Increases in Alveolar Anesthetic Partial Pressure

Ventilation, solubility, and distribution of blood flow have a combined impact on the increase in the alveolar anesthetic partial pressure (i.e., the rise in the FA/FI ratio). For all agents, FA/FI initially increases rapidly, regardless of agent solubility[11] [12] ( Fig. 5-2 ) because of the absence of an alveolar-to-venous anesthetic partial pressure difference (i.e., there is no anesthetic in the lung to create a gradient) and the absence of uptake in the first moment of induction. The capacity of ventilation to increase FA/FI is unopposed. Delivery of anesthetic to the alveoli by ventilation increases the alveolar-to-venous partial pressure difference. The resulting increase in uptake increasingly opposes the effect of ventilation to drive the

Figure 5-2 The rise in alveolar (FA) anesthetic concentration toward the inspired (FI) concentration is most rapid with the least soluble anesthetics, nitrous oxide and desflurane, and slowest with the most soluble anesthetic, halothane. All data are from human studies. (Data from Yasuda N, Lockhart SH, Eger EI II, et al: Kinetics of desflurane, isoflurane, and halothane in humans. Anesthesiology 74:489–498, 1991, and from Yasuda N, Lockhart SH, Eger EI II, et al: Comparison of kinetics of sevoflurane and isoflurane in humans. Anesth Analg 72:316–324, 1991.)

alveolar concentration upward. Ultimately, removal by uptake balances the input by ventilation. The FA/FI ratio at which the balance is struck depends on the solubility factor in the uptake equation (see earlier equation describing anesthetic uptake). A higher solubility produces more uptake for a given alveolar-to-venous partial pressure difference. Hence, the initially rapid rise in FA/FI halts at a lower level with a more soluble agent. This process results in the first "knee" in the curve, which is higher for desflurane than for sevoflurane, higher for sevoflurane than for isoflurane, and higher for isoflurane than for halothane. The position of nitrous oxide is discussed later (see "Concentration Effect"). The FA/FI ratio indicates the percent of anesthetic removed by uptake. An FA/FI ratio of 0.33 indicates that 67% of the anesthetic is being taken up; an FA/FI ratio of 0.67 indicates that 33% of the anesthetic is being taken up.

The balance struck between ventilation and uptake does not remain constant. FA/FI continues to rise, but at a slower rate than in the first minute. This secondary rise results from the progressive decrease in uptake by the VRG, a decrease to an inconsequential amount after 8 minutes. By about 8 minutes, three fourths of the cardiac output returning to the lungs (i.e., the blood from the VRG) contains nearly as much anesthetic as it had when it left the lungs. The consequent rise in venous anesthetic partial pressure decreases the alveolar-to-venous partial pressure difference and therefore the uptake, allowing ventilation to drive the alveolar concentration upward to a second knee at roughly 8 minutes.

After 8 minutes, the MG and FG become the principal determinants of tissue uptake. The slow decrease in the anesthetic partial pressure difference between arterial

blood and MG and FG produces the gradual ascension of the terminal portion of each curve in Figure 5-1 , an ascension determined by the progressive equilibration of the MG and, to a lesser extent, the FG with the arterial anesthetic partial pressure. If the graphs were extended for several hours, a third knee would result from equilibration of the MG. Uptake after that time would principally depend on the partial pressure gradient between arterial blood and the FG.

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