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Airway Management Consultation

In addition to the usual role in providing airway management during the administration of an anesthetic, the anesthesiologist may be consulted as an expert in airway management in settings outside the operating room. These consultations may involve the provision of an acute airway or the management of problems that have arisen in the patient requiring ongoing endotracheal intubation. Considerations in the acute setting include a variety of clinical situations such as trauma, upper airway obstruction, and medical conditions that must be specifically addressed to provide optimal care. These intubations are particularly high risk because the patients are often hemodynamically unstable.[67] In the patient requiring long-term endotracheal intubation, the issues of site of intubation, leak-free ventilation, tube changes, laryngeal injury, and tracheostomy may be encountered. [68] Anesthesiologists may also be directly involved in

performing percutaneous dilational tracheostomy or anesthetic and airway support for the procedure in the intensive care unit. Acute and chromic settings require a solid background in airway management principles and the ability to deal with unusual and unpredictable problems in a relatively foreign environment. Two reviews address these areas in detail.[69] [70]

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