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  1. A significant acid-base abnormality often signals a sinister underlying problem.
  2. All acid-base abnormalities result from alterations in the dissociation of water.
  3. Only three factors independently affect acid-base balance: PaCO 2 , SID, and ATOT .
  4. Respiratory acidosis and alkalosis are caused by hypercarbia and hypocarbia, respectively.
  5. Metabolic acidosis is caused by decreased SID or increased ATOT . Decreased SID results from accumulation of metabolic anions (i.e., shock, ketoacidosis, and renal failure), hyperchloremia, and free water excess. Increased ATOT results from hyperphosphatemia.
  6. Metabolic alkalosis is caused by increased SID or decreased ATOT . The SID increases because of sodium gain, chloride loss, or free water deficit. ATOT decreases in hypoalbuminemia and hypophosphatemia. This condition is particularly common in critical illness.
  7. Most acid-base disorders are treated by reversal of the cause.

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